Conférence Internationale de Kinshasa sur l’effectivité des perceptions fiscales sur les entreprises et l’équité de leur perception en Afrique subsaharienne

Téléchargez le PDF: INEADEC IFA 2022 CONFERENCE KINSHASA PROGRAMME DEFINITIF Avec la collaboration de professeurs des Facultés de Droit de Université Catholique de Louvain Université de Liège Université de Neuchâtel Université de Kinshasa organisent une Conférence Internationale de Kinshasa sur l’effectivité des perceptions fiscales sur les entreprises et l’équité de leur perception en Afrique subsaharienne...

Kinshasa prend des mesures drastiques sur la gestion du domaine minier

Lors de la vingt-neuvième réunion du Conseil des Ministres du vendredi 19 novembre 2021, le gouvernement de la République démocratique du Congo a pris des mesures drastiques destinées à assainir le domaine minier du pays. Ces mesures visent à lutter efficacement contre la fraude minière et mettre fin à une sorte de dilapidation des actifs...

Immunity from enforcement – a case-law turnaround

Judgment No. 190/2020 of May 28, 2020 handed down by the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA) has the advantage of establishing a new exception as to the assessment of immunity from enforcement for state-owned companies. In this Judgment, the High Court confirmed a decision of the Court of Appeal of Abidjan which noted...

Reminder of the legal prohibition on taking out direct insurance abroad for risks located in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

In a press release issued on 23 June 2021, the Minister of Finance reminded the public of the legal prohibition on taking out direct insurance abroad. The prohibition aims to fight against the evasion of insurance premiums which are regulated by the Insurance Regulation and Control Authority (ARCA). Per Article 286 of Law No. 15/005...

Séminaire International de Formation: Fiscalité Minière et Redressement des Entreprises – Comment Améliorer la Gouvernance des Entreprises et Lutter Contre la Fraude?

SEMINAIRE INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION Lubumbashi, Pullman Grand Karavia Hôtel 12 au 15 Juillet 2021 (9 h 00 – 14 h 00) THEME FISCALITE MINIERE  – REDRESSEMENT DES ENTREPRISES COMMENT AMELIORER LA GOUVERNANCE DES ENTREPRISES & LUTTER CONTRE LA FRAUDE ? PAR  Madame Françoise Martin Conseillère en transmission d’entreprise (Belgique)  Maître Edmond CIBAMBA Avocat spécialiste en...

OHADA : the means of recourse against an arbitral award

  INTRODUCTION The OHADA legislator[1] uses the term « arbitration », in the uniform act relating to the right of arbitration adopted on November 23, 2017 (« AUA »), without defining it. It is considered by the doctrine as a private mode of dispute resolution based on the parties’ agreement[2] or simply as conventional justice. Arbitration is therefore a...

The main features of tax collection litigation

INTRODUCTION When faced with a tax dispute, it is often difficult, even for the initiated, to determine with precision the procedure to carry out the tax dispute in question, with the risk of foreclosure or of being dismissed, in case of an inappropriate referral. This is due to the fact that the concepts of tax...

The scope of extra-statutory agreements in OHADA Law

  INTRODUCTION Extra-statutory agreements, generally known as « shareholders’ agreements » or « partners’ agreements »,[1] are applicable in the Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHADA),[2] thanks to the Uniform Act relating to the law of commercial companies and economic interest groups (AUDSCGIE). In a public limited company (SA) or a simplified joint stock company...
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